Tears of a Tiger Theme of Drugs and Alcohol

If you're looking for drugs and alcohol in Tears of a Tiger, you don't have to go very far—like, not even past the first page. There, you'll find the police report detailing that the guys were drinking the night of the accident. You might not think a couple of beers are a big deal—and neither did the guys—but these drinks ruin their lives. They go from being on a total high after winning a basketball game to losing their friend and struggling to get by. Alcohol might not get poured after that night, but we sure hear a lot about it and how it's made the boys feel long term.

Questions About Drugs and Alcohol

  1. Why do you think the boys get beer in the first place? Does it seem like something they do often?
  2. B.J. claims he doesn't drink because it stunts growth, but he tells us he hates the taste. Why do you think he hangs around the others when they're drinking? Why doesn't he stop them from driving?
  3. How does the guys' memories of the accident differ from the actual events that occurred? What does the police report tell us that their descriptions do not? How are things different when Andy revisits the scene?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The main point of this book is to show readers just how far-reaching the impact of drinking and driving is. It doesn't just cause one death, after all, it causes two.

Alcohol has nothing to do with Andy's death—instead, he commits suicide exclusively because he can't cope.