Chase (a.k.a. JATT: Jeans Are Too Tight) and Fulton (a.k.a. SOCT: Short One Chewing Tobacco)

Character Analysis

We don't really get the chance to know JATT or SOCT, mostly because Colin and Hassan don't really either despite hanging out with them a bit. In fact, Colin and Hassan go around calling them JATT and SOCT—you know, instead of their real names—all the time. What gives?

Well, we think it's one way of showing us how different our main guys (Colin and Hassan) are from the other guys their age. We're told all the time how Colin wasn't in the in-crowd at school, and that he was made fun of all the time. JATT and SOCT are representative of that very crowd he couldn't gain access to—they've got their clique and are the cool kids in town, while Colin and Hassan are the newbies. By always calling Chase Jeans are Too Tight and Fulton Short One Chewing Tobacco, we're always kept at arm's length from them, just like Colin and Hassan.