An Abundance of Katherines Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He remained convinced that romantic behavior was basically monotonous and predictable, and that therefore one could write a fairly straight forward formula that would predict the collision course of any two people. But he was worried that he might not be enough of a genius to make the connections. He just couldn't imagine a way to correctly predict the other Katherines without screwing up the ones he'd already gotten down pat. (10.27)

The fact that Colin thinks of all romance as the same is why he runs into trouble when it comes to the ladies department. No two relationships are the same, but Colin thinks love can be wrapped up neatly with a bow, packaged and translated into a series of numbers. But it just doesn't work like that.

Quote #8

You can love someone so much, he thought. But you can never love people as much as you can miss them. (10.31)

This is one of the most important lines in the book. Why? Because it's so telling about how Colin feels about the Katherines. He may spend most of his life moping over one of them leaving him, claiming he wants her back, but what he's really bummed about is not having that person around any more. He's not still loving her necessarily—he's wanting her to still be around because he misses her. Now that's deep.

Quote #9

"I was thinking about this girl you love so much," she said. "And this place I love so much. And how that happens. How you can just fall into it. This land Hollis is selling, the thing about it is—well, I'm partly mad because I don't want there to be some bulls*** McMansion subdivision up there, but also partly because my secret hideout is up there." (13.86)

Sure, there are different types of love. There's the kind you have for your GF or BF and then there's the type you have for your secret hideaway in the woods. So what do they have in common? Lindsey seems to think it's the process of actually falling in love. It just happens, and before you know it, it's already too late: you're in love whether you wanted to be or not.