Competition Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miss Charming [...] secured both the single gentlemen at the whist table. Quite a coup. (6.8)

When there are an even number of ladies and gentlemen, it would only be fair to divide them up evenly, right? Well, Miss Charming doesn't play fair.

Quote #2

Jane had become the fourth woman in a three-gentleman household. (7.3)

Speaking of fair, when Jane becomes the fourth wheel on the Pembrook Park tricycle, it seems like she faces more of a challenge in securing a man than she did back in New York.

Quote #3

For [Miss Heartwright], Mr. Nobley put down his book and joined the card table. The sight of it made Jane declare she would retire early. (9.14)

Jane's starting to lose some of her competitive edge, after the defeat in her previous game—and by game, we mean her failed fling with Martin.