Austenland Theme of Identity

When we go to Six Flags Great Adventure, we don't have to put on an alternate identity. Unless you count "crazy tourist screaming our heads off on the highest roller coaster on the east coast." Austenland isn't your average theme park. It's more like a resort, for one thing. And it's a resort with a requirement beyond the small fortune it takes to stay there: you have to stay in character.

It's like a sleepaway camp for period actors in training. Everyone there is someone else, and Jane has to do her best to fit in. Austenland is, like, the one place where you're encouraged to not be yourself. Well, that, and maybe high school.

Questions About Identity

  1. How much of Mr. Nobley's personality is an act, and how much is the real Henry showing through?
  2. Are Jane Hayes and Jane Erstwhile different people? What do you think are the similarities and differences between the two Janes?
  3. Why doesn't Jane choose to change her identity at Austenland as much as Miss Charming and Miss Heartwright do?