Dissatisfaction Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It's also the most perfect romance in all of literature and nothing in my life can ever measure up, so I spend my life limping in its shadow. (1.27)

Like Molly, we have to tell it to Jane straight here: girl, you set yourself up for disappointment. Even if men still walked around in suits and cravats, you still wouldn't find your Mr. Darcy. (At least, that's what we'd say before we read the end of the book. Maybe it does pay to aim high.)

Quote #2

Harold and I had a miserable marriage. (1.40)

Great-Aunt Carolyn is able to identify with her grand-niece Jane's dissatisfaction and disappointment because she has suffered some of her own.

Quote #3

[Jane] hadn't changed. She'd been standing knee-deep in the same romance mud for years and she didn't even care anymore. (2.46)

Romance mud? Ick. That doesn't sound pleasant. The thing about quicksand, both literal and figurative, is that the more you struggle, the harder it is to get out. Maybe Jane should just relax and let things happen.