Austenland Characters

Meet the Cast

Jane Hayes/Jane Erstwhile

Objection, She Doesn't Want to Be the ExceptionOur protagonist, Jane Hayes, lives in a fantasy world—a world where women are swept off their feet, find love for life with handsome and intelligent...

Mr. William Nobley/Henry Jenkins

Gentleman for PayAs one of the gentlemen employed at Austenland, Henry Jenkins clearly models his character (Mr. Nobley) on Mr. Darcy: he's "handsome, in a brooding sort of way" (4.62). Take that,...

Martin Jasper/Theodore the Gardener

Digging Up DirtMartin is the Wickham to Jane's Elizabeth Bennet. He's a little scandalous and a whole lotta sexy. So, even though he's practically wearing a sign around his neck that says "Bad News...

Mrs. Wattlesbrook

Puts the Prejudice in Pride and PrejudiceFirst, let's get this out of the way: Mrs. Wattlesbrook is her real name. We wonder what kind of gentleman Mr. Wattlesbrook is. Or was. She probably killed...

Miss Charming

Pip Pip CheerioMiss Charming is "unnaturally buxom, in her fifties, and sported short, bleached hair" (4.37). She's also the comic relief of Austenland. This woman can't use British slang to save h...

Miss Heartwright

Our Girl's Got CompetitionMiss Heartwright is the third and final of our Austenian ladies to be introduced at Pembrook Park. Unlike the comical Miss Charming, Miss Heartwright provides Jane with ac...

Aunt Saffronia

Aunts Go MarchingAunt Saffronia is one of the first actors we meet at Austenland, and her appearance highlights the absurdity of the whole place. She not only comes armed with her own backstory, sh...

Colonel Andrews

Colonel Must-HaveAndrews is the Bingley to Nobley's Darcy. While Darcy is brooding and grumpy, Andrews is vivacious and outgoing. He loves carousing and card playing, and he prompts Jane to utter l...

Captain East

Captain Austen-icaCaptain East is the third and final gentleman to be introduced at Pembrook Park. We hardly get to know him. He's masculine, heroic, and has a "working-boy" build. He mainly exists...

Sir John Templeton

You, Sir, are No "Sir"Sir John Templeton is Aunt Saffronia's husband. Well, he plays her husband in Austenland. He would be a non-entity in the plot, were it not for that time he tries to sexually...

Molly Andrews-Carrero

Molly CoddlingMolly is Jane's best friend. She has a husband, two kids, a hyphenated last name… basically everything Jane doesn't have and desperately wants. Seriously, she would just die if she...

Shirley, Jane's Mom

Mother Knows Best (How to Manipulate Dying Relatives)Jane's mom only shows up in one chapter, and boy, are we relieved about that. She complains about everything, from the city to the heat to Jane'...

Great-Aunt Carolyn

Great-Aunt Carolyn goes to meet Jane Austen in the sky by Chapter 2, but without her, our protagonist Jane would never have seen Austenland in person. Great-Aunt Carolyn had a terrible marriage, an...

Jane's Ex-Boyfriends

Ex-RatedAt the beginning of most chapters, we get a little glimpse into Jane's relationship history. We're not sure if these snippets are there to make us realize how "damaged and castoff-able and...