Identity Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Nobley] was, in his subtle manner, insulting dear Aunt Saffronia! Wait, no he wasn't, they were both actors playing parts. (4.102)

It only took Jane a few hours to buy into the whole concept of Austenland. Here, she forgets that Aunt Saffronia is just a character, and gets all concerned for her feelings.

Quote #2

[Jane] found herself wondering if she wasn't the prettiest, smartest guest they'd had in some time. Or ever. (4.116)

Jane is trying to create a new identify for herself: one where she's the most popular and the center of attention. So, really, she's her normal self, only she's been transported to the one place where people like her might be popular: Austenland.

Quote #3

I've only been half myself lately, and I thought coming here would let me work this part out of me so I could be me again. (5.56)

This statement is nicely ambiguous. Which half of Jane is she trying to work out of herself: the modern, working woman, or the part of her obsessed with a fictional character?