Austenland Questions

  1. What does Jane get out of Austenland (besides a man)? What do the other guests seem take from their experiences?
  2. Could Austenland be satire? If so, who or what is it satirizing?
  3. Why is Jane ashamed of her love for Pride and Prejudice at the beginning of the novel? Why isn't she ashamed of it at the end of the novel?
  4. Could Martin have been serious about his affections for Jane? Why or why not?
  5. If Jane hadn't gone to Austenland, what do you think her life would look like today? Do you think she could ever be happy without a man?
  6. Will Jane and Henry stay together? What challenges will their relationship face?
  7. Would you go to Austenland?
  8. What kinds of people might not fit in so well at Austenland? Why?
  9. What kind of book-themed resort would you most want to go to?