Society and Class Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Picking up Jane at her apartment rather than meeting at the restaurant was a ploy to show Carolyn her great-niece's shameful living conditions. (1.11)

From the first chapter, we're made aware that Jane's mom does not approve of Jane's lower-class lifestyle. Unlike in Pride and Prejudice,where women typically move up in social class, Jane seems to lead a less lavish lifestyle than the one she was brought up in. We don't mind, but her mom sure makes a big deal about it.

Quote #2

Spinster is just an archaic term for "career-minded." (1.45)

Jane says this, but we're not sure if she's convinced. To us, it seems that she feels like a second-class citizen without a man.

Quote #3

You are aware that at this time a lady of thirty-three would be an affirmed spinster and considered unmarriageable. (3.23)

Mrs. Wattlesbrook is trying to convince Jane to pretend to be younger. She throws in this nice historical tidbit to remind us that thirty-three was ancient in the 1800s.