Austenland Resources


Lost in Austenland

Get lost on Shannon Hale's website, and you might stumble across alternate endings, factual errors, and other fun Austenland trivia.

Movie or TV Productions

Felicity Meets Jane

The Austenland film adaptation not only stars Keri Russell of Felicity and The Americans, but it also has a Bridget Jones connection. James Callis, who played Bridget's best guy pal Tom, plays Colonel Andrews.

Twilight Over Austenland

Stephenie Meyer didn't just blurb her pal Shannon Hale's book; she helped turn it into a movie. Check out the author (Hale) and her producer (Meyer) on-set in some behind-the-scenes pics.

Articles and Interviews

From Mini-series to Book to Movie

In this interview, Shannon Hale discusses her inspiration for Austenland (omg, Colin Firth) and what it was like to be on the set of the movie based on her novel.

Modern? Classics?

How does Shannon Hale feel about classics—besides her beloved Jane Austen books, of course? You'll have to read this interview to find out.


Darcy or Nobley: Battle of the Regency Hunks

Can Mr. Nobley ever hope to top the hotness that is Mr. Darcy? We'll have to watch Austenland to find out.

The Actors Behind the Actors

Go behind-the-scenes with the actors of Austenland. They speak to you when Jane Austen can't. Because she's dead.


Read by the Well-Read

The Austenland audiobook is narrated by Katherine Kellgren, who has also done books by Bram Stoker, Rick Riordan, and Frank Herbert. She's well-read enough to be in a Jane Austen novel.

NPR Austenland Edition

NPR spoke with Shannon Hale back when Austenland was released back in 2007. She refers to this as a coming-of-age story. Can someone come of age in her thirties?


Pembrook Cottage Open House

The original cover for Austenland kind of looks like a real estate brochure. Pembrook Park is no Pemberley, that's for sure.

Packing for Austenland

Not only do we have tickets to see the movie, but we so want Keri Russell's totebag.