Lies and Deceit Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Jane had learned to hide her desires for such wonderful impossibilities as becoming a princess, or a supermodel, or Elizabeth Bennet. (3.26)

It seems like Jane has had a lot of practice in pretending to be someone else, but who is Jane deceiving in her real life—others, or herself? Who do you wish to be, when you wish to be someone else?

Quote #2

Jane hid her cell phone in the bottom of the trunk. […] It gave [Jane] a little glee to sneak something illegal across the border. (3.52)

Jane takes a little pleasure in being deceitful. She hides her cell phone even though Mrs. Wattlesbrook forbids it. Hm, we have a feeling she'll fit right in at Austenland.

Quote #3

[Jane] didn't know if she could role-play with a straight face. (4.10)

Even though Jane says this, she rarely has trouble role-playing, especially when it serves her own purposes of flirting or being witty.