The Boxcar Children Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Now Jessie liked to have things in order, and so she put the laundry bag on some pine needles for a tablecloth. Then she cut the loaf of brown bread into five big pieces. (4.43)

Jessie and Henry are both big on organizing. But where Jessie organizes dinner, Henry organizes tools and nails in Dr. Moore's garage. Phew—stereotypical gender roles are still intact.

Quote #5

The next morning Jessie woke up first, and she got up at once, for she was the housekeeper. (5.1)

Yeah, yeah, we get it: Jessie is the housekeeper, Henry is the provider.

Quote #6

While the other children started the dam, Jessie washed all their stockings. (8.10)

She cooks and cleans? That Jessie sure is something else. We bet Henry never washed a stocking in his life.