The Boxcar Children Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You boys can have the first swim," said Jessie. "We girls must go and get dinner." (8.27)

All of the food prep in the book is handled by Jessie and Violet. Dinner is clearly women's work in the world of The Boxcar Children.

Quote #8

It really was Violet's room. There were violets on the wallpaper. The bed was white with a violet cover. On the table were flowers.

"What a beautiful room!" cried Violet, sitting down in a soft, pretty chair. (13.7-13.8)

Though Violet is good at fixing things—it seems like she's always doing something with her little workbag—all of the tools are in her little brother's room. Her room is decorated with flowers.

Quote #9

He ran to the lady and climbed up in her lap before anyone could stop him.

"I'd like to keep you, Benny, in place of the dog," laughed the lady, putting her arms around him. (13.42-13.43)

Remember how the mean old baker's wife wanted to ship Benny off to the orphanage? The author signals this young woman's goodness by showing how much she likes children.