Chime Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I hate when Father puts on a show, pretending we're the kind of family that chats and gossips and laughs. (2.35)

Briony's feelings toward her father show that they have a strained relationship. But don't fall for her show, either—getting mad about her father's pretending comes from a place of disappointment, which leads us to believe she wishes her family was closer.

Quote #2

Now Eldric would look at us and pity our shattered, fragile family and our shabby, childish clothes; and I'd be obliged to hate myself, and to hate him too. (2.49)

By making this assumption, Briony proves her own insecurities about her family. She plans to hate poor Eldric (who didn't actually say anything about her family or their clothes) because she is protective of her family.

Quote #3

I've looked after Rose for years and years, and she drained me dry long ago. What's she feeding off now, I wonder. My soul juice? (2.63)

What have you given up for your family? What have they given up for you? Soul juice? Briony's sense of responsibility toward her sister, though she tells herself it's because of guilt, leads her to make sacrifices no young person should have to make. Still, many people give up their own wants and needs for their family.