Chime Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

How can you possibly think me innocent? Don't let my face fool you; it tells the worst lies. A girl can have the face of an angel but have a horrid sort of heart. (1.4)

Nice to meet you, Briony—it's not common to introduce yourself by trying to convince us that you're guilty and not to be trusted, but at least we know right away that our main girl is carrying a lot of guilt in her heart.

Quote #2

I was obliged to stay in the Swampsea to care for Stepmother. Rose and Stepmother. And the worst of it is that I have only myself to blame. (3.38)

And so the blame game begins. Early on we learn that Briony blames herself for most of her family's troubles as well as for her own unhappiness—but by blaming herself, she does not leave room to consider other influences on her life and her circumstances.

Quote #3

I'm the one who should apologize. I don't exactly blame myself for Stepmother's death. I didn't feed her arsenic, and it was arsenic that killed her. But I did cause her to injure her spine. She might have died from that if the arsenic hadn't gotten to her first. (3.44)

Wow—Briony really is carrying a ton of guilt and blame. Guess she wouldn't have a lot of room left to think about boys and clothes and other girly things. How would you handle all this guilt?