Flora and Ulysses Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Where was Incandesto when you needed him? Not that Flora really believed in superheroes. But still. (1.34)

Can superheroes really exist? That's a big question for Flora and her family. Most people want to believe in them, but know better, but for Flora, it's the opposite. She doesn't want to believe that superheroes are real, but she finds herself rooting for one all the same.

Quote #2

There was nothing he could do except to be himself, to try to make the letters on the keyboard speak the truth of his heart, to work to make them reveal the essence of the squirrel he was. But what was the truth? (19.8)

Ulysses thinks this when they ask him to type about himself. It's important to note that even he isn't sure what the truth about him is. Perhaps that's because he just got sucked up a vacuum cleaner and had a life-altering experience, or maybe it has something to do with the fact that even he is still sorting it out.

Quote #3

"The truth must be known!" said Flora. She stepped forward. She reached out her hand to remove William Spiver's glasses. (21.33)

Flora desperately wants to see if William is the arch-nemesis, and she thinks simply taking off his glasses will reveal everything. It's too bad for her, though, because the truth isn't always that simple. Sometimes you can't just remove glasses to find out what the real truth is.