Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Chapter 4 Summary

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up with String

  • Fresh off their encounter with Michael, Sam and the gang arrive back at Sam's apartment. They run into Mrs. Winalski, an elderly woman who flaunts her freedom and repeatedly encourages Sam to get laid. You do you, Mrs. Winalski.
  • In Sam's apartment, Ramon cleans Sam's bloody, scratched up back. Michael sure looked like a human, but the wounds look like claw marks and he was totally growling during the attack.
  • Sam and Ramon argue with Frank about whether or not they should call the cops and tell them about the attack. Sam rules that they won't go to the police because (1) they won't believe him, and (2) they might be attacked again if they make a report.
  • Sam is exhausted, but can't sleep; instead, he reminisces about his brief time in college, as well as the death of his stepfather, Haden, who wanted the Rolling Stones played at his funeral.
  • He also digs out a medicinal pouch emblazoned with a crow that his mom, an herbalist, gave him as a child. He was terrified that the house was haunted and had bad dreams, and she said wearing the pouch would keep the nightmares away.
  • The next day, a package arrives at Sam's apartment, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string. Who does that anymore? Because it's not ticking, Sam assumes it's not a bomb and decides to open it.
  • When he does, Brooke's head spills out on the floor. Frank, Ramon, and Sam all start freaking out because, you know, their friend's severed head is on the linoleum.
  • And then Brooke's head starts talking, carrying on normal conversation as if she hasn't been brutally slaughtered. And she's still Brooke—funny, bubbly, and even kind of bossy.
  • After several moments of chaos, Sam takes Brooke's head into the living room and makes her comfortable on his armchair, even setting her up with a glass of water. (No, we don't know where the water goes once she drinks it.)
  • Brooke tells the guys that she's supposed to send a message to Sam. Sure enough, there's a note in the package telling him to be at the Woodland Park Zoo at 2:00PM—or another message will be sent.