Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Brid looked at him. "When I'm taoiseach, mistakes will get people hurt."

Brannoc let go of her shoulders and brushed her hair out of her face. "You aren't taoiseach yet. That wonderful responsibility still lies with me. Worry about that day when it comes." (6.48-49)

As a leader-in-training, Bridin knows that she's destined to someday hold the office of her father—and this isn't a responsibility she takes lightly. She clearly recognizes that power can be dangerous if it isn't exercised with the wellbeing of the rest of the group in mind. Douglas provides an pretty strong example of what can happen when power is exercised for selfish means.

Quote #2

"A binding is usually done to keep a person from, or from, causing harm." She frowned at the teacup in her hands. "I've never seen it used to harness like this. It's as if a part of you has been locked away." (9.127)

It's interesting that even though Tia and Nick both attempted to bind Sam's powers, there's still plenty of evidence that they're there. The fact that they can't be hidden completely demonstrates that necromancy really is something Sam's fated to be a part of.

Quote #3

"Nick, is it dominant? I mean, does Kevin…"

"You're worried about the baby?"

She didn't trust herself to speak. She nodded.

"Kevin never manifested," he said. "It's not like lycanthropy, where every kid gets it. But that doesn't mean he's not a carrier."

"So there's a chance?"

"Yes." (12.53-58)

The idea of necromancy being hereditary is one of this book's more interesting concepts. Forget about having the deck stacked against you when it comes to heart disease and cancer—your firstborn child could end up being a necromancer.