Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Chapter 5 Summary

She's a Lady

  • Sam isn't the only person Douglas is out to control: Bridin Blackthorn, the daughter of a powerful werewolf and heir to her father's throne, is being held captive in his dungeon.
  • Bridin wakes up drugged and naked in a cage inside a scary looking dungeon/torture chamber. She hears Michael arguing in the next room with another man she can't identify, who is angry at Michael for botching his mission.
  • The mission was this: to capture a werewolf from one of the weaker packs. Instead, he got the daughter of Brannoc, the wolf version of Don Corleone.
  • Bridin pieces together her capture, which happened while she was running in the park. It turns out that Bridin and Michael have battled before, and things have a way of not turning out in Michael's favor when that happens.
  • Bridin and Michael scuffle and insult each other and argue about whether Bridin's place in the line is rightfully his.
  • Michael is nothing to Bridin, but her captor—the Douglas Montgomery, leader of the Council—is another story. He's kind of terrifying. Douglas urges her to cooperate with him, and if she does, she'll be set free in a few days.
  • Here's the problem: Bridin isn't easily coerced into cooperating, and knows that because of this, Douglas won't release her. She wills herself to find a way out, while hoping that her pack comes for her in time.