Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I looked back at Brooke. She was staring at my Hellboy poster like she hadn't seen it a thousand times. Her lip was trembling. Freaky or not, severed or otherwise, Brooke was my friend. (4.115)

Sam may love his friends, but he's still human. He's clearly freaked out by Brooke's head and tempted to not want to deal with the situation. Still, he's loyal enough to recognize that even as a head, she is still a person with feelings.

Quote #2

Like Ramon and I had ever been normal. I'd always been relegated to the misfit fringe, as if the other kids could sense something innately off about me. Turns out they were right. I was different. I didn't really mind being on the outskirts of popularity, but I'd never quite figured out why Ramon had ended up there. The only thing strange about him was his association with me. (9.69)

There's nothing like dumb high school social politics to draw misfits together. What's awesome is that even though Ramon could clearly have been Mr. Popular himself, he chose a lifelong friendship with Sam over a series of fleeting admirers. Way to go, Ramon.

Quote #3

I had some pretty good friends. I couldn't be too terrible if they were sticking around. (9.84)

Is it possible that Sam's acceptance of Brooke after the rolling heads incident is one reason why she and the gang stick up for him once they learn his true identity? Obviously, this bizarre bunch has each other's backs.