Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My pulse began to speed up despite my attempts to stay calm. This huge guy was talking about my blood, and he looked really, really happy about it. But I wasn't just going to hang here and die in the parking lot of Plumpy's. (2.38)

Running into a scary looking dude in a dark parking lot isn't an ideal position to be in, and having him talk about your blood like he's talking about a chocolate craving probably isn't so awesome either. Sam's first encounter with Michael provides a glimpse into the twisted role that blood plays in the paranormal world.

Quote #2

Douglas sighed. The old adage was true: It was so hard to find good help these days. Not that he cared about Michael smacking the boy around. Violence certainly didn't bother Douglas. No, what bothered him was Michael's lack of finesse. He'd simply escalated the violence too quickly. (3.4)

We're not super surprised to hear Douglas admit to not being bothered by violence, especially if it has a means to an end. What's interesting is that he sees violence as a tool that needs to be carefully wielded to get your desired outcome—so apparently, there is such a thing as too much violence, even for someone who kills people to steal their powers.

Quote #3

Auntie Lynn never tastes the sedative in her sherry, and she didn't wake up when he slit her open and stole her gift. As he'd knelt there, covered in her blood, his hand lolling to the side but still holding the dagger, drunk on her power, he couldn't help but think she'd be proud. He'd become the perfect pupil. (3.33)

Whoa. This description of Douglas stealing his aunt's power is one of the more frightening moments in the book, not just because it shows what Douglas is capable of, but because it reveals the bloody nature of the path he's chosen in using his gift. Covered in blood? Drunk on power? That's pretty intense, guys.