Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Chapter 9 Summary

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

  • Sam comes home from the zoo to find Brooke's head watching TV. They talk about how evil Douglas is, what it's like for Brooke to await the discovery of her own body, and how her death wasn't Sam's fault.
  • Ramon shows up with his mom's homemade Mexican food, as well as a bunch of books about paranormal stuff, and a list of fortunetellers, psychics, and supernatural specialists from the Seattle area. They decide to spend the afternoon visiting them to see if they can hunt down more information.
  • For his part, Frank brings over a bowling ball bag and says it's the perfect size for Brooke's head so she can join them on their investigations. Brooke seems pretty happy about it.
  • They end up at the home of psychic Maya LaRouche. Maya has creepy copper penny-like eyes and knows a ton about Sam—enough to tell him to take Brooke's head out of the bag and take off his medicine pouch because it's messing up her psychic mojo.
  • Maya tells Sam that his powers have been bound and that it's too tight for her to see any details about who did it. What's weird is that it looks like two bindings to her, but she isn't sure.
  • At Ramon's insistence, Sam spills the whole story about Douglas to her. Basically, she concurs with his evaluation of the situation: Sam is "screwed." The only thing that might help him get some answers is to talk to the person who made the protective pouch for him.
  • In response, Sam decides it's time to make a stop at his mom's house.