Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I will keep this simple for you, Sam. Join me and live. Defy me, and I will take you, your friends, and your family down one by one. I will twist and mold the facts until the Council turns against you. I will slaughter you, exterminate everyone you love, and get the Council to sanction the whole thing. No recourse, just death." (8.117)

Whoa. That's what we call a death threat, folks. And it's just what Sam needs to realize that Douglas isn't just some crazy guy who happened to set foot in Plumpy's one dark and stormy night—he's a legitimate force of evil.

Quote #2

It was scary when someone threatened everyone you love. If I didn't do what he wanted, what would happen? An accident for my neighbors? My sister's head in my freezer? My stomach dropped thinking about it. There was no way to know where he'd strike, and no way to guess what I could do to keep everyone safe. (9.22)

If Douglas kills Brooke to get Sam's attention, he definitely strikes right where it hurts. Sam quickly becomes concerned for his loved ones' wellbeing and anxious to do what it takes to protect them.

Quote #3

"You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a blanket." He stopped waving and shoved his hands into his pockets again. "Maybe your kid will turn things around." (13.23)

Nick may not realize it, but his statement about Sam at his birth ends up being prophetic. While how he deals with his newly acquired powers remains to be seen, Sam does "turn things around" by being the one to kill Douglas.