Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You even smell a little like him," [Michael] said, his voice going throaty. […]

"Like who?" I choked out. Buff guy had a fierce grip.

"Like the grave," he said, not really answering my question. "Like cold, cold death" (2.33-35)

Ouch. Having a total stranger—who turns out to be a vicious werewolf—tell you that you smell like death isn't exactly the beginning of a beautiful friendship. On the contrary, it's the beginning of Michael doing Douglas's bidding by luring Sam into his trap.

Quote #2

She rubbed at some dirt on his cheek before letting go of his face. "Dougie, Charles got sick. Real sick." She paused. "He's, well, he can't play with you anymore. Charles has got to heaven." (3.21)

We feel kind of badly for young Douglas when he learns in perhaps the coldest, most disturbing way possible that his cousin Charlie is actually dead, not alive and well and in his jammies. Based on the care his mother takes in explaining the delicate matter, it's also highly likely that this is the first of many experiences little Dougie will have with mortality.

Quote #3

"I've been stuck in your apartment all day watching the news to see if they've discovered my body yet. It's weird, Sam, really freaking weird. I'm dead, but I'm not." (9.27)

Nobody in this story has to be more disoriented than Brooke, who has not only died, but had her head brought back to life and is now able to watch the discovery of her body unfold live on television. Mega creepy.