Jellicoe Road Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In my cell I don't seem to exist. The dust and grime begin to get to me and I feel a shortness of breath that I know spells trouble. On the other side of the cell Jonah Griggs and Santangelo are too busy sizing each other up like two demented pit bulls who have to prove who's got the biggest… attitude. (8.60)

How can you triple the hostilities of the territory wars in one move? Just put the leaders of the three factions in a jail cell together and watch the pent-up frustration explode. Especially after two of them just beat the poop out of each other.

Quote #8

The Cadets are wannabe soldiers. City people. They may know how to street fight but they don't know how to wade through cow manure. (15.52)

We've got to hand it to Taylor: Wrecking the Cadets' invasion by layering cow manure all over the Jellicoe School side of the river is pretty brilliant. Not that it would work in real-life warfare, but oh well.

Quote #9

Santangelo is irritated. "We're not supposed to be collaborating. It's supposed to be a war and you're supposed to stick to your boundaries."

"We've seen you in your jocks," she reminds him. "Taylor and Griggs have pashed. You've broken into your father's police station for us. Don't you think the war has lost a bit of its tension?" (18.78-79)

Raffaela's got a point. Once the faction leaders call a truce and make friends, the war pretty much fizzles out like a wet firecracker. Still, at least everyone's getting along now.