Jellicoe Road Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was Webb he was speaking to. All this time, I thought that Webb was bringing him along into my dream but now I realize that I was bringing him along to Webb's. All he wanted was forgiveness and Webb said, "Tell him there's nothing to forgive." (25.86)

So as it turns out, Taylor's dreams have been this nexus for Webb and Fitz to meet up and come to terms with the past. In spite of the guilt Fitz held in life, Webb seems to hold nothing against him.

Quote #8

Just say she never gets to hear me say that I always knew she was something special and that's why I was so horrible to her. Because people with that much spirit frighten the hell out of me. They make me want to be a better person when I know it's not possible. (25.126)

Like Narnie, Taylor has her own bout of lack of self-forgiveness when Jessa goes missing in the fire. Okay, so the kid was kind of creepy and annoying—but that doesn't mean Taylor was right to treat her badly. Luckily Taylor gets another chance to turn things around with Jessa.

Quote #9

"Hannah, Jude and you don't have a bond because you're the only survivors. Jude and you have a problem because you're the survivors. It's like you can't forgive each other. How come you can forgive Tate for what she did and Webb for dying? And Fitz! How come you can forgive him? He killed your brother! He shot him out of a tree! You can forgive all of them, but you can't forgive you and Jude for living." (26.31)

Way to go, Taylor. In just a few sentences, she sums up Hannah and Jude's problem: They can't forgive each other for being the ones who lived. Rather than just getting married already, they're too haunted by the past to let it go and have a relationship in the present.