Jumped Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I can't hold it, I say. And I'm squeezing my thighs and sliding from one end of the chair to the other. It's a stand-off: she's acting tough, and I'm acting my ass off. (1.15)

Leticia wants to get out of zero hour early, so she lies and says she has to pee. Right away, because of this action, we see where her priorities lie (pun definitely intended)—not in class. Plus, we also learn that she has no problem lying to get what she wants.

Quote #2

I'm not one of them.

They think I am. Say I am. Have it on my record: watch Dominique Duncan. She's got problems. (6.10-11)

Dominique is stuck in Social Interactions class, though she thinks she doesn't belong. Is she right, or is her record right? Why might Dominique not want to be lumped in with the other students in Social Interactions class?

Quote #3

A person with a temper is set off by anything. But I don't have a temper. I'm not what they say. What they write. I'm not a problem child. (6.14)

Dominique is set off by Trina getting all up in her space in the corridor. That sure seems like "anything" if you ask us… It's possible that Dominique doesn't want to admit she's hotheaded, but we're not quite sure why.