Jumped Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

If someone loved me, I'd be turning over in the warmth and safety of my queen-size bed. (1.7)

Leticia is annoyed that she has to go to zero hour to recover her math credit. She equates love with her parents making her happy. We don't know if she really believes that's what love is, or if she's exaggerating. Trina's version of love, though, is totally different when she thinks of her mom.

Quote #2

"Listen, Hershheiser," I say, "I need my grade changed." (3.27)

When Dominique approaches her teacher, this is what she says. She insists that he's in control of her grade. Is this true, or is Dominique operating under a false premise? And why might Dominique demand a grade change first instead of asking what she can do to change her grade? (There's a key difference there.)

Quote #3

Then she says it again, all You heard me. "So what are you going to do, Leticia?"

"Me? Me do what?" I can't even put these words together. How did this get to be about me? (4.40-41)

Bea recognizes what Leticia, known busybody and self-centered teen, doesn't: Leticia has a responsibility to act because she's a witness to the threat Dominique makes. But Leticia doesn't see this responsibility because of her passive and selfish nature.