Jumped Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You gotta give Trina a clue," she says.

"Why do I gotta get involved?" As much as Bea and I have shaken heads over Cute Trina being Cute Trina and now it's up to me to save her?

What is the draw of passivity when there's a serious conflict that Leticia can resolve? What makes it so easy for bystanders to be passive? And why might Leticia not stand up for Trina but might stand up for someone else?

Quote #2

I would have read her books too if I could have gotten credit for it. (7.9)

Leticia won't do anything unless it will get her academic credit. She's not really one to push herself just for the sake of it.

Quote #3

I usually hang back, but if I answer his question now, I can spend the rest of the class taking notes uncalled on. Minimum effort goes a long way, which is where I went wrong with Mr. Jiang last semester. (7.12)

This attitude reveals that Leticia is all about skating by. It's hard to know if this trait is specific to Leticia's personality or if it's shared by her peers, but it's likely that her relationship with her father (check out 24.3-6) has heightened her entitled behavior.