Marked by Fire Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Soon the Ponca City women began to arrive. They came to join Abby in the celebration of the saving of the children's lives. They brought offerings of canned mulberries, okra, collard greens, smoked turkey, and hot pans of yeast rolls recently popped from the oven. They sat in a quilting bee circle stitching bedcovers for the orphans and listening to Abby tell how they had fled the fire and trudged through the snow to the safety and welcome of this residence that had belonged to the Barkers and which was now Abby's home. (30.6)

Here we see community love. The women of Ponca City show up in full force after Trembling Sally burns down Lily Norene's house, ready to help Abby feed Lily's daughters while they stay with her and ready to roll up their sleeves to make new bedspreads for the girls. It may not be romantic in any way, but in Ponca City, this is a form of love you can count on: The women will always show up to help their own.