The One and Only Ivan Chapters 116-118 Summary

good-bye, click, an idea

  • Julia comes to say goodbye to Ivan. Mack fired her dad, and she cries but tells Ivan he deserves a better life than this; she is hopeful her dad might find a job at the zoo so they can be together again. 
  • Ivan wishes he could speak to her, but finds holding his hand up to the glass next to hers satisfying.
  • Julia says goodbye to Ruby, and Ruby gives her a trunk hug (it's an elephant thing).
  • No one can find Bob, and Julia suggests that they take him home to live with them, but her pops isn't going for it.
  • Julia gives Ivan a farewell present: a drawing of Ruby and Ivan with other animals of their kind. Ivan is depicted holding hands with a lady friend, and for the first time in art history, he's got a smile on his face.
  • Ivan is presented with his own box, but doesn't step foot into it, not even for mini-marshmallows.
  • But with Ruby watching him, Ivan knows he has to set an example. A ripe mango leads the way, and Ivan concludes that the box is the only way out of here. 
  • Ivan asks Bob to join him and offers to sneak him into the zoo. Bob declines his offer, reminding Ivan that he is a wild beast who doesn't want to be tamed.