The One and Only Ivan Chapters 150-153 Summary

on the top of the hill, the wall, safe, silverback

  • Ivan finds a spot up on a hill where he can have some alone time with a view. 
  • He scoops up some mud and spots a clean wall that is poised to become his next canvas. 
  • Using mud, Ivan paints for the first time since he left the mall.
  • He climbs to the top of a tall tree to get a better view of his latest creation, and when he does, realizes that he can see out over the entire zoo.
  • From this vantage point, he can see the elephants.
  • Ivan is super happy to find that Ruby is among them, safe and content; he calls out to her.
  • Ivan is finally settling into his new habitat. 
  • George and Julia come to see Ivan one afternoon and he does the gorilla dance of happiness. Julia sneaks Bob in in her backpack and the reunion couldn't be better.
  • And guess what? George got a job at the zoo and he starts next month.
  • Julia shows Ivan a picture of Ruby with the other elephants, and Ivan wishes he could tell Julia that he can see Ruby in her new habitat from the treetop.
  • Julia and Ivan say goodbye to each other, and Bob tells Ivan he's still the One and Only.