The One and Only Ivan Chapters 48-52 Summary

the promise, knowing, five men, comfort, crying

  • Stella asks Ivan to promise to always take care of Ruby, and to find a safer place for Ruby to grow up; Stella hopes Ruby will have a better life than hers.
  • Ivan gives his word—they call that silverback's honor—and realizes that this is Stella's last wish.
  • Ivan recalls something Stella once said about elephants feeling more joy and more grief than apes do. 
  • Ivan wishes he could numb the pain and the loss he feels right now. 
  • A forklift carries Stella's body away. 
  • Ivan must find a way to comfort Ruby, but he can't lie and tell her that Stella had a good long life. Instead he tells her she was loved by her friends. 
  • Mack and George talk. Is it safe to say they are feeling some regret, remorse, possibly some guilt about how things went down for Stella?
  • Hard to say, but no one is feeling right about any of this now.