The One and Only Ivan Chapters 124-133 Summary

awakening, missing, food, not famous, something in the air, a new TV, the family, excited, what I see, still there

  • After being sedated for the move, Ivan is now awake and a little disoriented. His new home doesn't look like the zoos he's seen on television.
  • He wonders how Ruby is doing and worries that no one is there to tell her stories.
  • The first day in his new digs is tough, and Ivan misses his art and Bob big time.
  • Where's the soda and cotton candy? The children with sticky fingers? Has he stopped being famous?
  • Days pass, and Ivan senses a change in the air. Rain clouds are afoot.
  • He is gifted with a much bigger television than his old one, and the zookeeper, Maya, selects the All Gorilla channel for him to watch and study.
  • Eventually, the television gets turned off, and Ivan is released to a new area.
  • Turns out those gorillas on his television screen weren't actors. They are part of his new crew at the zoo, and now he's watching them—and they're watching him—through a sheet of glass.