The One and Only Ivan Man vs. the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

In my size humans see a test of themselves. (how I look.16)

Ivan is four hundred pounds of pure power. The reason he and other animals are captured, as he says here, is because humans interpret his size as a sort of challenge to their own power.

Quote #2

A jungle scene is painted on my domain walls. A waterfall without water and flowers without scent and trees without roots. (the exit 8 big top mall.32)

Ivan has a faux nature scene painted on the wall of his cell. Is this supposed to make him feel more at home and distract him from the fact that he lives in a shopping mall? Ivan isn't fooled.

Quote #3

Here in my domain, there is no one to protect. (the exit 8 big top mall.43)

Ivan associates protecting with gorillas' natural behavior. With nobody to protect, then, he can't be fully himself.