The One and Only Ivan Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why did Applegate choose to have Ivan tell the story? 
  2. Ivan lives for many years without remembering important but painful parts of his past. Do you think it's better to confront your past pain or to block it out and try to move on?
  3. Can animals be sad, depressed, bored, and jealous, or are those human emotions that we project onto animals?
  4. Ivan is surrounded by friends in his domain at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall. Is he lonely without other gorillas? 
  5. What does it mean to live in an unnatural environment? Do humans live in natural environments?
  6. Ivan says he is never bored because he has his art. Do you think it's possible to avoid boredom?
  7. We share approximately 98% of our DNA with gorillas. What is in that other 2% that's different?