The One and Only Ivan Chapters 41-43 Summary

treat, elephant jokes, children

  • Stella's foot is infected and it Mack is worried that he won't have the money to get it looked at. 
  • Ruby is hungry for some elephant jokes, but the only one Ivan can come up with doesn't turn out to be very funny because Ruby is still new to the world. This offers Ivan a chance to talk about art, though, and show her how he draws, which fascinates Ruby. 
  • Neither Stella nor Ivan are parents, though both would have liked to be. Stella reminds Ivan that a parent's most important job is to protect its child, and Ivan seems more certain than Stella that they would have been good parents. 
  • Why are elephants so hard on themselves? Good question, to which we don't yet have the answer.
  • However, we can tell you why elephants are so poor—it's because they work for peanuts.