Charlie Quotes


Quote 31

She kissed me. It was the kind of kiss that I could never tell my friends about out loud. It was the kind of kiss that made me know that I was never so happy in my whole life. (2.10.43)

It was the kind of kiss that only happens in books or movies, the kind of kiss that only happens in slow motion in the rain with Zac Efron. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Perks. The fact that Charlie is able to have this intimate moment gives us hope that he'll recover from his traumatic past experiences.


Quote 32

[Bill] made tea, and I felt like a grown-up. (3.4.2)

Charlie's relationship with Bill is pretty complex if you think about it. We mean, really, have you ever had an English teacher with whom you shared your deepest secrets? (Shmoop doesn't count.) But their interactions—tea included—help Charlie feel mature, which in turn helps him become more mature.


Quote 33

My sister was counting on me, and this was the first time anyone ever counted on me for anything. (3.8.8)

That role reversal—going from counting on others to being counted on—Is a major part of growing up. Do other characters count on Charlie in Perks? Or does he still mostly play the part of the kid?