Charlie Quotes


Quote 13

My aunt Helen drank a lot. My aunt Helen took drugs a lot. My aunt Helen had many problems with men and boys. (2.13.9)

Aunt Helen turned to drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity to deal with problems that haunted her for years. We'll let you figure out how that turned out.


Quote 14

Things were worse an hour ago, and I was looking at this tree but it was a dragon and then a tree, and I remembered that one nice pretty weather day when I was part of the air. (2.15.4)

If it weren't for the fact that Charlie were tripping on LSD here, this might be a pretty Zen moment. Instead, it's something that might permanently damage his already fragile mind.


Quote 15

Regardless, I decided to never take LSD again. (3.1.17)

During the course of the novel, Charlie drinks, smokes cigarettes and pot, and does LSD. But the LSD doesn't quite work for him—it just heightens the activity in his already overactive mind.