Charlie Quotes


Quote 70

I guess I'm pretty emotional. (1.2.10)

Early on, Charlie's writing comes across as pretty sterile, so we're surprised to hear this. The only emotion we've seen from him so far is lots and lots of crying, but that's more of a reaction than an emotion.


Quote 71

I'm really glad that Christmas and my birthday are soon because that means they will be over soon because I can already feel myself going to a bad place I used to go. (2.11.4)

Birthdays and Christmas are usually associated with happy memories and excited anticipation, but Charlie has some pretty deep-seated anxieties about these special days. We don't really find out why until the end of the novel. (And you know we're not going to spoil it for you.)


Quote 72

I don't know if you've ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. (2.14.9)

These feelings are beyond sadness—they're approaching serious depression.