Charlie Quotes


Quote 79

I like to read books twice. (1.3.2)

After the revelation at the end of Perks, you might want to read it a second time, too. Trust us—you'll see a ton more the second time around.


Quote 80

[To Kill a Mockingbird] is now my favorite book of all time, but then again, I always think that until I read another book. (1.4.2)

Confession: the same thing happens to us. Our favorite books are The Giving Tree, The Road, and Invisible Man, but tomorrow? It's anyone's guess. And you know what? We're not complaining about a world where there are enough great books to keep changing our minds.


Quote 81

When I write letters, I spend the next two days thinking about what I figured out in my letters. I don't know if this is good or bad. (1.10.2)

The process of writing something down can be a great way to figure out complex problems. Stumped on a paper? Just start writing, and the solution might just come to you.