Charlie Quotes


Quote 46

It's just hard to see a friend hurt this much. Especially when you can't do anything except "be there." I want to make him stop hurting, but I can't. (4.5.3)

Why doesn't Charlie try to say or do something to help Patrick out? And who told him that all he could do was "be there"? Where is he getting all these ideas?


Quote 47

It was a great way to sit alone at a party and still feel a part of things. (4.9.9)

Charlie has found a way to turn his passivity into a strength—DJ Charlie, comin' at ya.


Quote 48

I just remember wanting to hug [Bill]. But I've never done that before, and I guess Patrick and girls and family don't count. (4.12.56)

We doubt Bill would have objected to a hug, but Charlie doesn't try—simply because he's never hugged another non-family adult before.