Princess Academy Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Before the academy, Miri never had cause to wonder if a person was head smart or not. It seemed everyone was clever at something [...] Now, smart meant to Miri the talent to think around a new problem and to learn new things. (12.64)

All this school stuff has Miri thinking about intelligence and capacity in a different way. Now she sees that her sister Marda is really smart. If only she had the opportunity to learn how to read and write like Miri did…

Quote #8

"I used to think that was the whole world," said Esa, sitting beside Miri with Britta and Frid. Esa's eyes sought out the swells and slopes of the mountains dimming from green to gray on the northern horizon. "Now I feel so small, perched up here on our isolated mountain." (14.7)

Learning about the rest of the kingdom has left the girls feeling like they've seen so little of the world. Like Miri, the other girls thought that Mount Eskel was all that existed, but now they feel as if there is so much more they do not know.

Quote #9

She would not test her father's pain and ask to work in the quarry again. She would find her own place. And sitting under a tree with Marda as she read her first page felt like the best place in the world. Miri wondered how she could make that good feeling last. (15.25)

Growing up means learning her limitations and the countless opportunities available. Miri may not be a quarry worker in the future, but there are other things that she can do that will suit her interests better. She just has to find them.