Princess Academy Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She would have talked and teased and laughed with him, but his sudden appearance had startled her, and she did not know if she could keep up her carefree facade. Her gaze fell on the ground, her heart beating faster than the drums. (11.10)

Miri and Peder are constantly dancing around each other (literally) now that they're teens. It's time for them to step up and actually be honest with each other about their feelings—otherwise they'll just keep having these excruciatingly awkward run-ins.

Quote #5

His expression was distant, as if he were remembering. "I miss all the time we had when we were younger, don't you? It'd be nice to go exploring the peak again, maybe on rest days." (11.81)

Peder doesn't actually want to go back to the days when they were younger; he just wants to be able to hang out with Miri all the time again. But this time, things will be different. They'll be older and harboring some secret affections for each other.

Quote #6

Miri rose. "I have something to say."

Her father raised his brows but did not speak, and Os indicated that she go ahead. Miri hummed her throat clear. (11.112-113)

All this time Miri has seen herself as a weak child, but in going to the academy, she finds that she does have something to offer to the other villagers. She can use her newfound knowledge to help the village prosper.