Princess Academy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She did not let go of her pa for hours, watching from his arms as Onor and Dogface released Britta and Esa and with the other four bandits fled the academy. (24.1)

Miri's always wanted to be grown-up in the eyes of her father, but maybe now and again she can act like his little girl. After the bandits are defeated, Miri just needs a really long hug from her father.

Quote #8

Families piled together on one pallet, made pillows of one another's chests and legs, and held on for warmth and just for joy that everyone was all right. Miri snuggled under the scoop of her pa's arm, his heat spreading over her like the thickest blanket. She pulled Britta to her other side, and they slept with their arms entwined. (24.5)

Sometimes, families are made rather than born. Britta may not be a member of Miri's actual family—and she's not even a highlander—but she's still come to be more than a friend. She's practically another sister to Miri.

Quote #9

Miri knew that they were not anxious for a house in the lowlands with a beautiful garden or clothing made from expensive cloth or silver forks for their food. They just wanted Miri home again soon. (25.12)

All this time, Miri's been focused on giving her family a fancy house and great riches in the lowlands, but that's not what they're looking for at all. They just want their whole family to be together—on Mount Eskel.