Pudd'nhead Wilson Chapter 18: Roxana Commands Summary

  • Tom arrives at his lodging place in St. Louis. Roxy, disguised as a man, shows up at his room.
  • Petrified, Tom explains to her that he only did what he thought was best.
  • How could he be so cruel, Roxy wants to know? She starts to cry and tells him what a horrible thing he's done in selling her down the river, detailing all of the traumas she's had to suffer.
  • Roxy tells Tom that she escaped from the plantation and now she's being hunted; they're offering a reward for her and there are "runaway-n***** bills" all over (they probably looked a lot like this actual bill).
  • But Tom already knows that. Roxy gets it out of him that the planter who he sold Roxy to has already been to see him earlier that week.
  • Roxy demands that Tom go to his uncle and borrow enough money to pay the planter for her freedom.
  • No way, no how. Tom refuses, thinking that Driscoll will take him out of the will again if he does that. But Roxy says she doesn't care; she'll go to Driscoll and spill the beans about everything if she has to—and then Tom will be the one sailing down the river!
  • Roxy instructs Tom to get the money together and when he gets the bill of sale that ensures Roxy's freedom, he should mail it to Pudd'nhead.
  • Tom walks Roxy back to where she's staying at a deserted wharf (he's not just being nice; she demands that he do it and threatens him with a knife).
  • Tom returns to his lodging place and thinks to himself that instead of asking Driscoll for the money, he's going to steal it from the poor sucker.