Pudd'nhead Wilson Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'll tell you why [Luigi killed the man], since he won't say himself," said Angelo, warmly. "He did it to save my life, that's what he did it for. So it was a noble act, and not a thing to be hid in the dark." (11.58)

We could probably all use a cheerleader like Angelo to point out the courage it takes to carry out actions that others are likely to immediately condemn.

Quote #2

"Now come," said Luigi, "it is very pleasant to hear you say these things, but for unselfishness, or heroism, or magnanimity, the circumstances won't stand scrutiny. You overlook one detail; suppose I hadn't saved Angelo's life, what would become of mine? If I had let the man kill him, wouldn't he have killed me, too? I saved my own life, you see." (11.60)

Luigi may downplay his courageousness, but confessing that he wasn't acting heroically takes a lot of guts.

Quote #3

"A coward in my family! A Driscoll a coward! Oh, what have I done to deserve this infamy!" (12.38)

Take a chill pill, dude. Why does Driscoll get so bent out of shape upon finding out he's related to someone he considers a coward?