Pudd'nhead Wilson Chapter 3: Roxy Plays a Shrewd Trick Summary

  • Totally shaken up by Driscoll's threat to sell his slaves down the river, Roxy freaks out about the possibility that someday her precious baby could be sold down the river.
  • But not to worry. Roxy comes up with a solution to the problem: she's going to kill herself and baby Chambers by jumping into the river. As Roxy's on her way out the door with the little guy, she happens to notice a new dress that she hasn't ever worn yet.
  • Now, wouldn't it just be a shame for Roxy to be pulled dead from the river wearing a drab outfit? The horror! Deciding to leave a good-looking corpse behind instead, she makes a quick wardrobe change and throws the dress on.
  • But Roxy can't let her baby go to his grave looking all shabby while she looks like a fashion model she thinks. So she puts him in one of baby Tom's fancy outfits.
  • As Roxy's admiring how awesome her baby looks all decked out in his new threads, she notices that he looks just as great as Tom. A light bulb goes off in her head.
  • Roxy puts Tom in Chamber's raggedy clothes. She places Chambers into Tom's nice crib and declares that he'll be known as Master Tom now. Then she sticks Tom in Chambers's shabby old crib and apologizes to him for condemning him to a life of slavery.
  • Whoa. Did that really just happen?
  • Back to bed. Roxy tries to sleep, but her guilty conscience keeps her awake for a little while. However, she soon manages to rationalize her decision to switch the kids. It's all good.
  • Except, Roxy worries, there's one person who might catch on to her scheme: Mr. Pudd'nhead Wilson.
  • Unlike everyone else in town, Roxy isn't so sure that this guy is a fool. She decides to ask him if he'll take the kids' fingerprints again and figures that if he doesn't notice anything fishy, she'll be home free.
  • Percy gets totally absorbed in some business stuff, which makes it even easier for Roxy to pull off her scheme because he hardly ever even sees the kids.
  • Roxy goes to Pudd'nhead and he takes the fingerprints she requests (and, of course, labels and dates them). He doesn't notice anything suspicious and—phew—Roxy breathes a sigh of relief.