Repossessed Chapter 19 Summary

  • When Shaun gets back from walking Lane out, he notices that Jason is eyeing the guitar.
  • Jason asks Bailey if he can try it out, and he says yes while he absent-mindedly types on AOL.
  • He really wants to play the guitar, but he doesn't have one, so Bailey suggests he borrow Shaun's, but Jason reports his brother won't let him.
  • Kiriel knows this is true, but he tells his bro that he can use the guitar anytime.
  • On the way home, Kiriel points out a house to Jason—it's where some kid from Jason's class named Carson lives. He wants his brother to invite him over sometime because they like all the same stuff.
  • That night for dinner, Shaun's mom brings home a roast chicken and green beans. This grosses Kiriel out because it used to be alive. We never pegged demons for vegetarians… did you?
  • As their mom serves up the meat, Jason asks if he can have guitar lessons. At first their mom is confused because Jason doesn't have a guitar, and then she's even more lost when Jason reports that he's going to borrow Shaun's. She doesn't know what's gotten into her sons lately, but she likes them getting along.
  • His mom admits she's never been close to her brother, and Kiriel says she should reach out now—she's not into his life advice, though.
  • She tells Shaun she loves him, and Kiriel doesn't know what to say back because he's not Shaun. He likes her and everything, but isn't it weird to tell Shaun's mom he loves her?
  • The phone rings, and it's Shaun's dad on the phone. He asks to talk to Shaun and tells him all about his latest trip.
  • Kiriel can tell that Shaun's dad misses him, but he doesn't know what to say back. It's hard enough talking like humans when you can see their faces, let alone on the phone when you can't judge facial expressions.
  • After he hangs up with Shaun's dad, Kiriel feels guilty again; he doesn't know how to be Shaun in the way that Shaun does.
  • Sure, he can tell you what humans do, but he doesn't know how to feel the things they do.